Information for Palm Users
Re: Mini-Kt/V, PocketStone and SuperSchwartz
These files are designed to work with Pocket PCs, which use a Windows-based operating system. (PDAs made by Audiovox, Dell, Toshiba, HP, Compaq and others use this system.) Specifically, these files are written for Pocket Excel, a “mini” version of Microsoft Excel, which is included on all PocketPC units. They have Pocket Excel file extensions (.pxt and .pxl).
Palm Pilot, Sony Clie, Handspring Visor and some other PDAs use the Palm operating system. I have very limited knowledge of this system as I have never used it. To use Windows-based files on these PDAs you usually need to use some type of third-party conversion utility to convert the files to a readable format. Software conversions are rarely perfect, as things can get lost in translation. If you have ever tried to open a Microsoft Word document in WordPerfect or vice versa, you will know what I’m talking about. So it’s possible that these files may not work properly or may not work at all if converted to a Palm format. If you’re lucky they will work fine. I have not tested this theory.
If you can successfully get my PocketPC files to work on your Palm-based PDA:
1. You are a computer whiz. Congratulations!
2. Please tell me how you did it so I can post this information for the benefit of other Palm users.
Thank you for your feedback!
Robert Gillespie MD MPH