KidneyWeb Pro Pediatric Nephrology Resources for Healthcare Professionals Developed by Robert S. Gillespie, MD, MPH |
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The handouts and most other materials on KidneyWeb are copyrighted. That doesn't mean you cannot use them, copy them, give them to patients or modify them. It only means you have to play by the rules of the license and give credit where it's due. These works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License. This license gives you permission to copy, display or distribute these materials as long as it's for noncommercial purposes. You must provide attribution in the following form: "Copyright 2007 by Robert S. Gillespie. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit" (Note if you are using the works verbatim as they appear on this site, you do not have to add any attribution, as it is already included in the works.) You can even modify these materials or use them in derivative works, as long as they are noncommercial and you provide the attribution above with the statement "Modified by [author's name]." Examples of such uses might include: Example
1: You change the text of a handout to adapt it to the
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Example 2: You reformat a handout to fit a standard format used at your institution. (Read my cautions about reformatting.) Example 3: You incorporate part of a handout into a patient education booklet you are making. ![]() You do not have to pay a fee, request permission or get anything else in writing to use these materials as described above. The certificate in the link above is your license. However, if you are using these materials, I would very much appreciate a copy of your derivative works. Knowing how you are actually using these materials will help me develop more useful materials in the future. Any uses not covered by this license, such as commercial uses, require a specific separate license, which can be arranged on a case-by-case basis by contacting me. Please contact me if you have any questions, and thank you for your support of KidneyWeb. Robert Gillespie, MD, MPH |
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